Part 1, of the First Tenet
From page 41:
What are the two most important days in your life? The first one is obvious: The day you were born. But the second one is not so obvious. It is not the day you die; that is the end of the story, not a high point.
It is not the day you graduate.
It is not the day you get married.
Nor is it the day you have your first child - ALL significant milestones, of course, but not life defining for most. So, what is the 2nd most important day in your life? It is the day you realize why you were born.
This is your higher purpose.
And no, I'm not a religious person at all. I haven't been to church or participated in any kind of organized religion since I was in 6th grade, the last year my Mom made me attend weekly catechism classes.
But I do believe I was born and put on earth for a reason.
What is my "Purpose?"
From page 146 in Defeat Mega Agents:
I believe as a parent, as a friend, as a mentor, as a marketing consultant, as whatever “title” you wish to give me or others assign me—I believe my purpose is to inspire. To lift up and encourage others to dream. To think big. And not just big. But huge. To not be afraid to imagine the impossible. To keep hope alive and not be fearful of the unknown. To not be cowardly in times when courage is needed. To step up when others won’t. I believe my purpose is to help others to un-cork and un-bottle, to un-lock the potential locked inside themselves. I believe my purpose is to help others expand their vision to see what is actually possible and not just what society tells us is possible. I believe my purpose is to help others create their own destiny and to fulfill their own unique mission.
You see, the "Fighters" and "Entrepreneurs" and "Conscious Capitalists" you read about above, that happen to operate in real estate. They didn't want to just be a “real estate agent” - a profession of low status.
They wanted to build and create something that mattered.
And they were willing to sacrifice.
They knew it wouldn't be easy to learn an entirely new skillset. To leave behind all the "familiar" tactics and strategies of Real estate. But to live their life's purpose, they had to travel into unknown lands.
After publishing Defeat Mega Agents, I later simplified my purpose. It went from that entire paragraph to:
"To create a movement of movements, by helping others to create their own."
Then simply:
"To Inspire the Uninspired."
From that belief, and working with the agents who bought Defeat Mega Agents, who identified with the Conscious Capitalist identity & belief system - I created ImpactClub®. The videos to the left, are proof of our impact on our communities.
Which begs the question:
You know the day you were born. But have you realized (yet) the reason why you were born?
I was put on this earth to help people create movements through Story!!
I am a Storyteller.
That - is what a Conscious Capitalist is.